Olympics: What's a Sport and What's a Contest?
The Winter Olympics start tomorrow. Time to drag out my usual pet peeve and irritating topic of the fortnight-- which of these are sports, and which are contests (and not sports).
First, the argument. It goes like this. A sport will pit athletes against one another in an event in which there is a clear and objective standard for winning: fastest time, most goals scored, first around a track. Contests test athletic skills of the participants, but there are subjective elements imposed, typically by a panel of judges.
There you have it. So if I can train my body to perform a task that is measured objectively better than other athletes, I participate in a sport. If I train and compete against other athletes in a task that involves subjective elements judged by human experts, I'm a contestant. In the spirit of making the difference perfectly clear, here are the Winter Olympic events categorized into contests and sports:
- Biathlon (weird, but a sport)
- Bobsleigh (including bobsleigh and skeleton)
- Curling
- Ice Hockey
- Luge
- Short-track Speed Skating (even though it has some weird rules)
- Speed Skating
- Alpine Skiing
- Cross-country Skiing
- Snowboard: Parallel Giant Slalom
- Snowboard: Snowboard Cross
- Nordic Combined (due to inclusion of ski jumping)
- Ski Jumping
- Snowboard: Halfpipe
- Freestyle Skiing (moguls and aerials)
- Figure Skating (obviously)
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